Thursday, February 5, 2009



为什么人长大了,烦恼就接踵而来呢???小学到中学烦考试;STPM 就烦恼会不会进local U。虽然我还是踩不进local U的门槛, 也被老爸反对继续读书,但是还好我妈妈支持我,所以我也开始了我的拉大校园生活。三年的光阴让我成长了不少;经历了不少我从来都没尝试的事,而且也让我拿到一纸大学文凭,这何尝不是一件好事呢?

以为毕业了可以找到一份好工作,没想到经济萧条早不来晚不来,偏偏在我临将毕业之时给我这‘惊喜’!现在已在家翘了近一个多月的脚了,还没找到工。怎么办???看到的工都要experience的, 所以开始想到底自己是不是走错路了呢???I went to a interview last 2 days n the interviewer ask me 'WAT IS UR AMBITION ?' I dunno how to answer this question... I very confuse that wat i really want! Today i have no received any call from the company. In other words, i m not be employed. So i need to continue my searching n waiting... 希望明天会更好!!!


  1. Add oil lah u sure can de lah~~
    Btw, next time pls say ur ambition is marry with daniel~~haha~~

  2. Tat's not ur fault~
    Tat's the fault of the government~
    It educates students of how to do exam paper, but never educates u of how to get an ambition
    Use the time tat u're staying at home to think of it bah, sometimes it's quite fresh for those who never thought that b4.
    Dun worry, im still jobless too~ Cos i still havnt start searching XD

  3. after cny , will be more job coming up
    no worry ...
    keep on searching
    gambate and all the best to u
